

Druggler is a small application written in pure JavaScript to visualize differences in drug usage in different countries. Steve, the drug information dealer, guides the user through the numbers, cracks jokes and makes comparisons.


With my friend Sandro Bütler, I built a small fun project called Druggler. This project was our final submission in a course called information visualisation (ivis) at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland lectured by Marco Soldati.

The course covers information visualisation topics like colours, shapes and storytelling. We've looked at different visualization strategies, tools and frameworks. In the end, we had to submit an Infovis project of our own. We brainstormed for ideas and found an interesting data set about global drug usage provided by the UN.

We realised early on, that our designing skills, especially with CSS, are limited. Thus we focused on what we're good at => Programming. We thought about an interactive way to deliver the information and came up with a dialogue engine.

The dealer, we named him Steve, ensures you won't tell on him and asks for your name and nationality. Steve will call you by name and try to sympathize with you by making a joke based on your country selection. To enrich the drug price data we used the BigMac Index to calculate the approximate amount of work necessary to be able to buy one unit of each consumable.

The project has obviously a funny tone and Steve should definitely not be taken seriously. If you're interested check out the live demo on the FHNW Website or the codebase on GitHub

GitHub - relivnd/druggler
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